Baby’s Nursery
Welcome to baby’s room! This is our home nursery where our littlest one sleeps and poops and plays. Right now it is accented in blue with a bird theme, but when my daughter was a baby, it was accented pink with a circle theme. We painted green so that it could go boy or girl depending on what colors we added to the decor. So let’s get right to the breakdown of costs.
This is what you see when you first enter the room.
The wall art I drew on with black sharpie. The room has an underlying bird theme and I thought a baby bird with his Momma was perfect.
The crib, mattress, and fitted sheets were all presents we received at our daughter’s baby shower. I think the total of all these items comes to about $380, but we paid $0 for it all. How lucky are we!? Our families are so generous!
Paper lanterns on the ceiling came from Craigslist. I paid the lady $5 for ten of them and used them in my daughter’s room as well. The DIY pom poms I made from two packs of tissue paper that cost $3.50 total. They are secured in the center with a paperclip and hung with fishing line. You can learn to make your own tissue paper pom poms with this photo tutorial.
In this corner we have the changing table. I love the white furniture contrasting with the espresso. Don’t feel like you always need your colors and stains to match! The painting is an abstract piece I did framed with a garage sale frame I paid $1 for and painted black.
Anyway, the dresser/changing table was $50 from Craigslist including delivery. It is not perfect, and it’s a cheap assemble-yourself style, but it works. It has more storage than most combo dressers I’ve seen and I like that it has a spot for the garbage. Now that I cloth diaper, I am really glad I bought a changing table with big drawers. The pull out bins are perfect for little towels and disposables at night time!
The wipes warmer, changing pad, pad covers, etc were baby shower gifts. I didn’t clutter my registry with anything unpractical.
The lamp was a handmade gift from Stephen’s grandpa Mike. I spray painted the lampshade blue to fit with our decor. I think this handmade wooden lamp base makes my take on a DIY lamp pale in comparison.
The dark brown curtains were a garage sale find for $5 and the rod used to hang them cost me $1, also at a garage sale. Click to learn how to find great garage sales in your area!
On the other side of the room we have the rocking chair for night feedings. I don’t use it much anymore since I trained my baby to sleep through the night.
When I am breastfeeding, I use this handy spinning organizer to hold my essentials I need to grab while busy with baby.
The chair was another Craigslist find for $40. The pillows were $1.50 total at a thrift store.
The adorable decal on the wall was a splurge for $13 at Shopko. If you’ve seen the Dr. Seuss room, you know I probably should’ve just painted this on the wall myself. It’s been up since the first week we moved into our home 4 years ago; I’ve just been too lazy to create something more personalized.
The mobile hanging in this corner was a DIY craft my friend Lexi and I made out of toilet paper rolls. We cut them up, painted them, and hung them with fishing line from a wire bent into a circle.
The tabletop decor cost $1 for the glittery branches (remember those from my Christmas tree?) and $2 for the two vases which I painted blue, all found at garage sales.
This awesome bookcase was originally from IKEA and I snagged it off Craigslist for $40. I plan to paint it white sometime in the future. I love all its storage, I talked about what a godsend this piece of furniture has been in my post about how to add storage at home.
Last is the closet; we are ready with diapers for baby #3! Since my son is still in his cloth diapers, we have his clothes where we change him, even though he doesn’t sleep in the crib anymore.
As you can see, I need to do laundry. I’m not going to count how much we spent on clothes and toys and whatnot because this is mostly about the furniture and decor of each room. Just know I only buy secondhand for my children’s attire and I never buy toys. You accumulate so many toys through various gifts and hand me downs, it’s not worth buying them.
The grand total is $163. Secondhand is the man people. Well, secondhand and baby shower gifts.

Great use of space and assets